Basketball Quick Links
Gates to the Maravich Center on the LSU campus open 60 minutes prior to scheduled tipoff.
Baseball Quick Links
Gates to Alex Box Stadium open 90 minutes prior to scheduled first pitch; parking lots open 3 hours prior.
Gymnastics Quick Links
Gates to the Maravich Center on the LSU campus open 90 minutes prior to scheduled meet time.
Directions & Traffic
Geaux Safe | Bag Policy
Work at LSU on GameDay
Softball Quick Links
Gates to Tiger Park open 60 minutes prior to scheduled first pitch; parking lots are free and first-come, first-served.
Football Quick Links
All gates to Tiger Stadium open 2 hours prior to scheduled kickoff (suite and club areas open 3 hours prior). Most reserved parking lots open at 7 a.m. on GameDay; most Motor Home/RV lots open at 6 p.m. on the Friday prior to GameDay.
Soccer Quick Links
Gates to the LSU Soccer Stadium on the LSU campus open 60 minutes prior to scheduled match time.
Parking in numbered lots is free and first-come first-served.
Volleyball Quick Links
Gates to the Maravich Center on the LSU campus open 60 minutes prior to scheduled match time.
Parking is free and first-come first-served (except Lot 201).