LSU Gold

Tiger Stadium In-Stadium Policies

As of Aug. 2024
(subject to change without notice on this page)

Tiger Stadium In-Stadium Policies

Public address announcements are restricted to emergencies and must be requested through LSU Police at (225) 578-3231 or 911.

Southeastern Conference rules do not permit artificial noisemakers to be brought into or used in Tiger Stadium. Anyone found violating this policy is subject to ejection and item is subject to confiscation.

Banners may NOT be hung and poles may NOT be brought into Tiger Stadium unless approved by LSU Athletic Administration. Documentation of the approved request must be shown.

Cameras are permitted in Tiger Stadium for both fans and working news media. All photos taken in Tiger Stadium must be for editorial or personal use only and may not be used for advertising, promotions or any other commercial or promotional endeavor, without the permission of LSU. Contact the LSU Office of Finance and Administrative Services at (225) 578-3386 with any questions. Camera bags are NOT permitted. (See Clear Bag Policy below)

LSU recommends fans only bring what is necessary with you to LSU Athletics venues such as phones, wallets, credit cards and car keys. Only CLEAR tote bags smaller than 12” x 6” x 12” will be allowed into Tiger Stadium and all other LSU Athletics venues. One-gallon clear plastic bags and/or small handheld clutch purses, not larger than 4.5” X 6.5”, will also be allowed to enter. Exceptions will only be made for those with approved medical needs. All bags are subject to search and inspection. Reminder, diaper bags that do not meet the clear bag policy guidelines will not be admitted. For more information, please

One 32 ounce or smaller, factory sealed water bottle will be allowed in Tiger Stadium. However, food and other containers of any kind such as coolers, ice chests, bottles, cans, cups, flasks, etc. are not permitted. If you have a medical need for any of these items, please enter at the medical check points at Gate 10 or the Southwest Roll Gate.

Anyone leaving the stadium must have an unscanned, new ticket to return to the stadium. Once a ticket has been scanned, it may not be used again for re-entry, unless otherwise directed by LSU Event Management (or gameday officials) in emergencies.

On August 1, 2014, LSU became tobacco free, in accordance with the governor’s “Well-Ahead” program. The Louisiana legislature has implemented a smoke-free requirement for all state university property, and all public post-secondary institutions in Louisiana must be in compliance. All of LSU’s athletic facilities are considered public buildings under this statute. This prohibition applies to all individuals while on the LSU Campus, including faculty, staff, students, administrators, contractors, and visitors. The use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, snuff, pipes, and chewing tobacco are not permitted.

Any stadium seat measuring 16 inches wide or less will fit into any seat in Tiger Stadium. Only stadium seat cushions with no pockets or compartments will be admitted. (See Clear Bag Policy) Please be considerate of those sitting around you and please be aware that some seats sold by local vendors with LSU logos may be too large for use at Tiger Stadium. To order a pre-installed stadium seat, please visit or call 1-866-895-1490.

With heightened security now a way of life, LSU will do everything possible to provide a safe and secure environment for its fans. Please be cooperative with stadium officials and law enforcement agencies during your visit to Tiger Stadium. Should you or another guest need immediate assistance, please notify the nearest police officer or event staff personnel. You may also text “LSU” along with your issue to 69050 or call LSU Athletics Guest Services at (225) 578-4085. If you see something, say something.

LSU encourages fans to be courteous of other fans in choosing to stand during games. Spontaneous reaction to plays or significant events is expected and encouraged. Continued standing during game action when other fans are sitting is discouraged and will be addressed by LSU Event Staff if complaints from other fans are reasonable and continuous. Please be respectful of those around you so all fans may enjoy the game.

The throwing of objects from the stands is strictly prohibited and is cause for immediate ejection. Thrown objects can cause serious injury. LSU takes very seriously the safety of fans, coaches, athletes and officials. LSU will act promptly and accordingly if the safety of any individual is in jeopardy. Any fan/spectator ejected for throwing objects or unauthorized access may be subject to additional penalties and possible loss of future ticket privileges.

All persons, regardless of age, must present a ticket for admission to Tiger Stadium. This policy is for the convenience and safety of all Tiger ticket holders. Even the smallest of LSU fans sitting on their parents’ lap can be an inconvenience to the fan sitting in the next seat and a safety risk for the child.

Umbrellas are NOT allowed in Tiger Stadium. Umbrellas left at the gate/entrance will be confiscated and discarded during security sweeps. Umbrellas are a sight obstruction and possible safety hazard for other fans. LSU advises the use of ponchos or other wearable rain gear for inclement weather.

Video cameras are not permitted in Tiger Stadium except for the working news media. Video images taken in Tiger Stadium must be for personal use only and may not be used for advertising, promotions or other trade purposes, or any other commercial or promotional endeavor, without the permission of LSU. Contact the LSU Office of Finance and Administrative Services at (225) 578-3386 with any questions.


Gameday Timeline

Typical LSU Football Gameday Timeline

Times of note for a typical night game in Tiger Stadium (Times listed are hours/minutes prior to kickoff)

* 6+ hours: LSU Ticket Office opens | Visit 24/7
5 hours: Maravich Center Open to the Public | Details
5 hours: Tiger One Village Open | Live Music begins 4 hours prior to kickoff
3 hours: Premium Area Gates Open at Tiger Stadium | Seating Chart
2 hr, 15 min: Victory Hill Parade Begins, including the Golden Band from Tigerland and the Fighting Tigers of LSU
2 hours: LSU Student gates open at Tiger Stadium | Student Tickets
2 hours: All remaining gates open at Tiger Stadium
2 hours: LSU Gameday pregame radio show live from the Bud Light Fan Zone | Listen Free | Affiliates
17 min: Golden Band from Tigerland takes the field for pregame performance

* The LSU Athletics Ticket Office is open on football game days beginning at 8 a.m. CT for games that kickoff at 2:30 p.m. or earlier, and 6 hours prior to kickoff for games that start after 2:30 p.m. The ticket office will close at halftime.

General Policies


  • Clear Bag Policy
  • Only clear tote bags measuring smaller than 12” x 6” x 12” & 1-gallon clear plastic freezer bags are permissible following inspection.
  • Clear & non-clear handheld clutches/wristlets measuring smaller than 4.5” X 6.5” (approximately the size of a person’s hand) are also permissible.
  • Fans cannot store prohibited bags & items near stadium entrances.
  • All unattended items will be removed & discarded.
  • Full details listed at
    All Persons & Items Entering are Subject to Inspection
    No Re-entry – Anyone Leaving the Stadium Must Have a New, Unused Ticket to Re-enter
    Tickets May Not be Re-sold on Stadium Premises & Surrounding Grounds (Including Parking Lots)
    All Persons Must Have a Ticket for Admission – Regardless of Age
    Smoking & Use of All Tobacco Products (Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Smokeless Tobacco, Snuff, Chewing Tobacco, etc.) is Prohibited Everywhere on LSU’s Campus

All Policies and Enforcement are subject to the discretion of LSU Event Management

Non-Allowables & Prohibited Items

Non-Allowables & Tiger Stadium Policies

For the comfort, enjoyment and safety of all Tiger fans – please follow these guidelines for items brought into Tiger Stadium. All items are subject to approval by the discretion of LSU Event Management and Tiger Stadium Law Enforcement. No items may be left at or near the gates of the stadium. Stadium security sweeps will discard any unattended item.

The following items are prohibited and not allowed in Tiger Stadium:

  • Animals of any kind except documented service animals
  • Artificial noise makers – violators subject to ejection and loss of ticket privileges
  • Containers of any kind – coolers, ice chests, bottles, cans, cups, flasks, etc.
  • Food & beverages – brought from outside the stadium gates. Exception: a single (1) factory sealed water bottle up to 1-liter or 32-ounces is allowed per fan.
  • Oversized stadium seats (no pockets/zippers/compartments & no wider than 16”) or objects that may impede on the comfort & safety of others – portable heaters, mini fans, etc.
  • Projectiles of any variety – banners, flags, poles, brooms, etc.
    – Small handheld signs are subject to approval by LSU Athletics Administration
  • Video recording devices & equipment (including stands)
  • Umbrellas
  • Weapons of any variety – firearms, knives, pocket knives, multi-function tools, etc.

Confiscated Items will be destroyed and not returned.

Sportsmanship & Fan Behavior

LSU encourages its fans to show good sportsmanship and conduct themselves in a manner that represents LSU, the Southeastern Conference and the NCAA with honor, dignity and respect. All fans in attendance shall demonstrate the qualities of civility and sportsmanship at all times.

  • Refrain from the use of vulgar, abusive, racist, sexist, demeaning or intimidating language at any time.
  • Always support the players, coaches and officials in a positive manner.
  • Treat the visiting team, coaches and fans with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • Refrain from engaging in cheers that are vulgar, crass or demeaning.
  • Refrain from throwing objects for any reason.

LSU Athletics has high standards of fan behavior for all guests in attendance – failure to comply with the sportsmanship guidelines set forth may result in ejection and loss of future ticket privileges. The Southeastern Conference takes seriously the issue of fans “storming the field” after major victories. While the enthusiasm of the fans is admirable, it has caused serious injury to some fans and student-athletes and can result in unwarranted violence and vandalism.

The SEC has adopted the following principles regarding fan access to competition areas:

In all sports, access to the competition area shall be limited to participating student-athletes, coaches, officials, support personnel and properly-credentialed individuals at all times. For the safety of participants and spectators alike, at no time before, during or after a contest shall spectators be permitted to enter the competition area.

Penalties against individuals who improperly enter the competition area shall include, but not be limited to, expulsion from the facility, arrest for trespassing, and the loss of future ticket privileges. In addition to these three penalties, violators who are students shall be subject to student disciplinary measures.

Penalties for Institutional Violations

In the sports of football, men’s basketball and women’s basketball, at the discretion of the Commissioner, schools in the Southeastern Conference may be fined the following amounts if fans at their respective institutions enter the area of competition before, during or after an athletic contest:

1st offense: institutional fine of $100,000
2nd offense: institutional fine of up to $250,000
3rd offense: institutional fine of up to $500,000

Please represent LSU with pride and thank you for your cooperation.

LSU Athletics Policy & Code of Conduct for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages

LSU Athletics Policy and Code of Conduct for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages (began in 2019 season)

Alcoholic beverage sales will be available for fans ages 21 and over in and around Tiger Stadium on gameday. The sales of alcoholic beverages will end at the conclusion of the third quarter in football. The policy also requires that no more than two alcoholic beverages be purchased per transaction. Each transaction will require a valid ID.

LSU staff and vendors will undergo training to properly facilitate institutional and conference policy, and to adhere to all state and federal laws and regulations. Staff members for each concession stand will be required to complete the Louisiana Responsible Vendor alcohol training course and purchase an East Baton Rouge Parish seller permit. All servers will also be instructed according to LSU’s policies and trained to identify public intoxication in order to refuse service to any fan who appears impaired. Security personnel reserve the right to eject or arrest fans who are intoxicated or share alcoholic beverages with minors.

LSU will reserve limited stands for volunteer groups who do not wish to sell alcoholic beverages.

Fans are encouraged to report any violation of this policy and/or any unruly behavior by notifying stadium or law enforcement personnel, or by calling LSU Guest Services at 225-578-4085 or texting “LSU” followed by the issue and location to 69050. Dial 911 for emergencies.

Alcoholic Beverage Policy:

  • The possession or consumption of alcohol not sold in the venue is expressly prohibited.
  • No more than two alcoholic beverages may be purchased per transaction.
  • A valid ID is required for each transaction.
  • Alcohol will not be served to fans who are visibly intoxicated.
  • Alcohol sales will end at the conclusion of the third quarter of the game for football.
  • Alcohol may be dispensed in cans or plastic bottles but must be opened prior to being served (seller must retain cap)
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be sold by vendors within the seating areas. 

Alcohol-Related Code of Conduct:

Stadium personnel and law enforcement will monitor fan behavior. Ejection without refund, arrest, or refusal of sale or consumption of alcohol could result for reasons not limited to:

  • Unruly, disruptive or illegal behavior.
  • Giving alcoholic beverages to a minor.
  • Public intoxication or impairment.
  • Abusive or offensive language or gestures.
  • If cans or plastic bottles are used as projectiles or otherwise cause game management issues, the institution is subject to an immediate fine and suspension of the alcohol sales privilege by the conference office.
  • Failure to follow stadium and/or law enforcement personnel instruction.
  • Any other conduct deemed inappropriate by stadium personnel or law enforcement.