LSU Gold


Whether engraved in a golden trophy, affixed to a purple jersey, or echoing inside a packed stadium, these three letters are recognized and celebrated worldwide. Our traditions, our triumphs, and our trademarks have garnered global renown, uniting strangers and inspiring stars for generations. Our name is universally known and uniquely ours. 

But trophies rust. Jerseys fade. Stadiums erode. If the impact of LSU Athletics is to stand the test of time, we must be anchored by the deep roots of defined values. 

The mission to define the Core Values of LSU Athletics began in May of 2021, when – by listening to the voices of our staff – the need to define who we are and what we stand for became abundantly clear. Climate assessments were performed and revealed that while our staff overwhelmingly values the work they do here, the values which inform and inspire this work had not been clearly defined, effectively implemented, consistently emphasized, and collectively understood. What was missing was a framework for decision-making that was both relevant to who we are now and aspirational as to who we should be – values we could all work from and work toward together.

For six months, LSU Athletics administration and staff worked together to engage every member of the department. After a 68 percent participation rate, through hundreds of pages of quantitative and qualitative data, and following more than 100 hours of discussion and deliberation, the following eight values continually emerged.

The Core Values of LSU Athletics define who we are and what we do. They are the roots that hold this department together. They are the support system that sustains our success. These values work together, constantly collaborating and combining to secure our future and drive our unending work to create transformational change – for our student-athletes, for our athletics community, and for the millions across the world who know and love these three letters. 

Core Values: Who We Are


Tigers Epitomize Excellence

We are elite in everything we do.
From the smallest details to the greatest displays, excellence is embedded at every level of LSU Athletics. Our daily tasks, annual accomplishments, and generational transformations all begin and end with this ultimate value.

Excellence sets us apart from our peers. By outworking and outperforming our competition, we surpass them. We build and maintain unparalleled facilities, provide peerless student-athlete care, hire and develop elite talent, and create the most engaging and innovative content in the country.

Excellence is the standard we all uphold and epitomize. It is reflected by both the trophies added annually to our cases and the reflections cast daily upon those trophies – they are won by elite coaches, staff, and student-athletes, and they are cared for by meticulous custodians. Both the champion and the caretaker are united by a relentless pursuit of victory.

The success of our student-athletes, in the classroom and in competition, uplifts our institution and inspires our community. When our teams prevail, so does Louisiana. And when one area of our department thrives, we are able to learn from its strengths and replicate their successes elsewhere.

Finally, excellence is never satisfied. The successes of those around us inspire us to achieve our own. Excellence is not perfection, but it is learning from mistakes, ensuring errors are not repeated, and putting what we’ve learned into practice. As elite performers, we recognize, study, and attract other elite performers. Working together, we recruit, develop, and sustain champions.
When we epitomize excellence, we create a championship culture, increase our resources, and elevate our community.


Tigers Embody Integrity

We meet our commitments and take ownership when we cannot.

Integrity speaks to both the soul and the structure of our department. It is about being ethically unimpeachable and structurally undivided. It guides every decision we make, and it unifies every principle we practice.

When we make decisions, individually or collectively, we must do so with integrity at the forefront.  Like all of our values, integrity can be identified externally, but first it must be practiced internally. It must always be integral to our internal identity  Truthfully, it is often most critical when it is least notable. The decisions it guides are often unseen, but the impact it creates is obvious to all.

Integrity is the core value that holds all others together. To embody integrity is to act in the best interest of the department’s objectives and to hold ourselves and each other accountable. It doesn’t require us to be morally and ethically perfect, but it does require us to recognize when our actions and values misalign and seek solutions.

Some examples of practicing integrity include rules compliance, adherence to policies and procedures, and, ultimately, acting in consistent alignment with all of our values. It is also completing trainings, recording time off accurately, recruiting honestly, giving credit appropriately, and making decisions deliberately.

Integrity is both a value and a product. When we embody integrity, we generate more of it, and it becomes an agent of unity and bonding. It keeps us intact. It makes and keeps us whole.


Tigers Celebrate Authenticity

We are true to who we are. 

The first impression and lasting impact of LSU Athletics is one of authenticity, which represents both our unique culture and the genuine camaraderie and connection we cultivate with each other and our community.

Understanding our identity is critical to realizing authenticity. Like the state we represent, we are one of a kind, the expression of a culture emanating unrivaled passion and pride. Like the colors we proudly wear, we combine and celebrate our unique qualities to emerge from the crowd as distinct and unforgettable. Like the letters we proudly declare, we are recognized and celebrated worldwide. These qualities hold us together, set us apart, and resonate forever. Authenticity is what powers our brand.

Authenticity is more than something we possess – it is something we practice, too. It requires us to engage with each other and with ourselves with sincerity and clarity. It allows us to communicate our expectations of each other and our needs from each other at the appropriate time and with the appropriate tone. Authenticity is the foundation of trusting relationships – knowing who we are and acting consistently with our identity makes us reliable and dependable.  It is both showcasing our unique brand to the world and self-evaluating with honesty and care. It is gathering feedback and implementing change.

Authenticity requires us to know who we are and to act consistently with that identity. It is adhering to and expressing all of our values in all of our actions. It is delivering on our long-term commitments. By aligning our internal beliefs with our external behaviors, we build credibility with each other and with our partners and stakeholders. By celebrating authenticity, we establish trust, foster loyalty, encourage growth, clarify purpose, and inspire passion.


Tigers Personify Perseverance

We maintain forward progress regardless of circumstances.

If authenticity reflects the culture of our state, then perseverance reflects its character. We represent a resilient people and a resilient place, and both seem to gain strength from the very storms that threaten to wash them away. Perseverance transforms stumbling blocks into stepping stones. It acknowledges that adversity is inevitable, and the time or place of its arrival are out of our control. Instead, we control how we respond by focusing on solutions over problems and utilizing our collective strength and resolve to uplift and overcome.

Though it is required when times are tough, perseverance is a constant. In good times,  it manifests itself through preparation and planning. It requires us to have a long term vision and to be willing to make short term sacrifices to realize that vision. It is the discipline to finish what we start, large or small.

Perseverance is seen in the relentless pursuit of victory we display daily. It is the perspiration of our student-athletes, the preparation of our coaches and staff, and the persistence of our unwavering supporters. It is understanding challenges yield to preparation, and it is realizing how many lessons defeat yields – and learning them. It is Tigers fighting all the way. The power of perseverance is exponential. It is our hope during the storm and our inspiration during the recovery. It is the enduring spirit of Louisiana, and it lives in us forever. When we personify perseverance, we build the character to handle difficult tasks or conquer significant adversities. Through perseverance, we build habits, we generate hope, and we transform tragedy to triumph.


Core Values: What We Do


Tigers Give Respect

We treat people, property, and processes with utmost consideration.

Respect is a behavior that begins with an attitude. At its core, respect is about considering the impact we create and appreciating the resources we utilize daily.

To understand respect is to understand how our actions affect others, to recognize the contributions of those around us, and to value the places and policies that empower our work. How we express respect as individuals is critical. It can be displayed in our behavior and our habits – punctuality, professionalism, and preparedness are all clear indicators of respect for the time of our peers. Respect is also reflected in our body language, our tone, and our treatment of our coworkers and our workspaces. It can be as simple as calling others by their name, picking up a piece of trash, or a sincere display of gratitude – small actions which can have a profound impact.

Respect requires us to be conscious of ourselves, others, and our surroundings. It is treating others how they would like to be


Tigers Build Equity

We utilize consistent processes to provide appropriate access and opportunities.

Diversity exists, and equity is based on the recognition that individuals and groups have their own inherent needs. To understand equity, we must realize that our programs, departments, and student-athletes all begin with distinct and unique advantages and disadvantages; therefore, each requires different support to achieve success. First and foremost, equity is about access and opportunities. Practicing equity ensures we all have the necessary foundation to pursue our goals, and its implementation leads to fair outcomes.

It can be useful to think of equity in contrast  to equality. Equality distributes uniformly and identically and does not factor context or needs. For example, it does not consider the size of a unit or team or compare their resources to those of competitors. Equity, on the other hand, distributes consistently and proportionately based primarily on context and needs.

While allocation varies based on what is needed to ensure success, equity requires the process of allocation to be consistent. It means rigorous examination of the problem at hand, the variables present, the possible alternatives, and the benefits and consequences of all options. Equity understands the difference between what is desired and what is required, and it carefully examines both before making decisions. Equity is a process, which is why it is something we build, rather than something we accomplish. It is a constant pursuit and insists we continually create systems and structures with its achievement in mind. When we build equity, we create an efficient and innovative work environment where new ideas thrive. We increase engagement, reduce conflict, and provide platforms for longterm success.


Tigers Foster Growth

We strive to be better today than yesterday.

At the intersection of our university’s academic mission and our department’s athletic goals is growth. It is fundamental to the purpose of our work as coaches, staff, and leaders. In order to help our student-athletes reach their maximum potential, we must do the same ourselves.

A growth mindset is critical to the work we do today and the impact we will have tomorrow. We must be able to look clearly at the task at hand while still understanding the challenges the future will present. In many cases, growth is quantifiable. We can measure the expansion of our fan and donor base, the increases in revenue, the investment in our staff, and the academic success of our student-athletes. It does demand that we take care to measure accurately, to set goals, and to evaluate processes in search of incremental improvements.

Growth can also be qualitative and based on honest assessment and conversation. It means aiming to strengthen relationships, improve communication, innovate content, and enhance facilities. It is the product of rigorous and fair performance evaluations, as well as thoughtful self-reflection. Risk and investment are necessary to growth. It requires the courage to take chances, the wisdom to learn from failures, and the foresight to sustain victories. We improve our ability to grow by embracing diversity of thought, taking initiative, and contributing more than we criticize.

When we foster growth, we leave this place better than we found it, and when we leave this place, we are better than it found us. By valuing growth, we build something that lasts, that stands the test of time, and transforms the lives of all who work, study, and compete here.


Tigers Practice Service

We embrace a purpose beyond ourselves.

Service begins with a focus on what we have to offer and what external needs we can fulfill utilizing our resources, talents, and abilities. It is a cornerstone of leadership and community building, and it provides opportunities for us to make transformative impacts in the lives of others.

To be effective, service must be intentional. It is taking actions and making decisions designed to benefit others, and it recognizes the existence of – and pursues the realization of – a common good and a larger purpose in our work. In our roles within athletics, we serve LSU, our student-athletes, and each other. We represent our university and our state, and our work elevates and inspires others across the world. We also serve our student-athletes as we help them grow in competition and in the classroom. Our contributions to their success are vital acts of service as they develop physically and mentally.

Finally, service is what we offer to each other in our daily work and interactions. It is providing assistance on a project, serving on a committee, and being willing to step outside of our jobs to help someone else do theirs. It is contributing whenever, wherever, and however we can.

When we practice service, we create meaningful experiences, engage with the community, and generate belonging. Focusing on service builds relationships and trust and improves morale and perceptions. In becoming a part of something greater than ourselves, service offers its own intrinsic reward, while inspiring impactful, lasting change.