LSU Gold

2016-17 LSU Tiger Girls Dance Team

2016-17 LSU Tiger Girls Dance Team


2016-17 LSU Tiger Girls Dance Team

Team Photo ID:

Row 1 (bottom): Lauren Dionne, Faith Ryan, Aliese Lemoine, Jenna Hebert, Leah Angelle, Dallas Lipoma
Row 2: Shelby Rase, Ashley Colomb, Camila Carrera, Morgan Clay, Samantha Koppenhagen, Micah Odom, Aubrey Daboval
Row 3: Payton Ibos, Allison Cook, Bailey Nance, Lauren Sullivan, Samantha Ponseti, Claire Rogers
Row 4 (top): Emma Moore, Alexis Duplessis, Nadia Bordelon


Info on Tiger Girls Auditions

General Information

The Tiger Girls are under the Direction of Pauline Zernott. For more information about the Tiger Girl program or to schedule and appearance by the Tiger Girls, please contact us at

For more information on LSU Tiger Girl Auditions click here.