LSU Gold

2011-12 LSU Tiger Girls Dance Team

by (@LSUsports)
2011-12 LSU Tiger Girls Dance Team

2011-12 LSU Tiger Girls Dance Team

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Top Row (L to R): Emily Kelty, Jasmine Olivier, Jennifer White, Jenae Dykes, Erica Wilkins, Jade Prejean, Erika Liew
Middle Row (L to R): Katie Morton, Lauren Cook, Megan Bundy, Jacie Scott, Sara Brignac, Brandi Tucker
Bottom Row (L to R): Bethany Hebert, Alexis Lawson, Hayley Kropog (Captain), Michelle Douglas, Katherine Frederickson, Emily Chauvin, Sadie Newell

Congratulations to the 2011-2012 Tiger Girls Final Candidates. 

Tiger Girl auditions were held the weekend of April 20-22, 2012. Sixty-five girls took part in this years audition. The Top 20 finalist have been chosen and a final selection will be made in July 2012.