LSU Gold

LSU Women's Basketball Ticket Information

2024-25 Season Overview

Season Ticket Renewals

Basketball season tickets renewals will be e-mailed out mid-late April 2024. The deadline to renew tickets is June 1, 2024. If you have not received your digital renewal form by May 1st, please contact the LSU Athletics Ticket Office at 225 – 578 – 2184. Full payment is due the LSU Athletics Ticket Office by the deadline date on the renewal form.

Current season ticket holders may request a seat relocation or additional season tickets on their renewal form before they return it to the LSU Athletics Ticket Office. These requests will be addressed after all renewal payments are posted and will be filled based upon availability and allocated using the LSU Priority Point System Rank as of June 30th.

The actual season tickets will be mailed approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the first game. Customers with physical street address will have their tickets shipped via UPS, and those customers with a post office box/drawer will have their tickets mailed by US Postal Service.

New Season Tickets

Season ticket prices and donation levels can be found by clicking here.

Season Ticket Holder Loyalty Pricing

Season ticket holders who had season tickets during the 2019 season will be phased into our new season ticket pricing.

Please see the chart below for details:

MARAVICH CENTER SEAT LOCATION TYPE OF CHARGE 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
100 Level 1 Season Ticket Cost $100 $100 $150 $200
Seat Contribution $0 $100 $150 $200
100 Level 2 Season Ticket Cost $100 $125 $150 $200
Seat Contribution $0 $50 $100 $125
200 Level Season Ticket Cost $75 $125 $175 $200
Seat Contribution $0 $25 $50 $100
300 Level (General Admission) Season Ticket Cost $50 $50 $50 $50
Seat Contribution $0 $0 $0 $0

Payment Plans

In order to spread out renewal payments, the LSU Athletic Ticket Office offers payment plans to automatically charge credit/debit cards equal payments on the first day of each month as follows:

  • 2-Month Payment Plan: Date of Renewal & July 1
  • 4-Month Payment Plan: Date of Renewal; July 1 – August 1


Group Tickets

Groups of 15 or more qualify for ticket discounts and additional incentives based on the size of the group.

Get Tickets

Individual-Game Tickets

Home-Game Tickets
Individual game women’s basketball tickets are sold approximately two (2) weeks before the season starts (typically in early November).

Mini Plans
Mini plan options for the 2024-2025 season will be announced early fall 2024.

Away Game Tickets
Away game tickets are not available through the LSU Ticket Office. Please contact the athletic ticket office at the opposing institution for more information.

Student Tickets

Full-time LSU students with an overall GPA of 2.0 or greater get in free to all regular season LSU Women’s Basketball home games. More information on student tickets for basketball will be announced early fall.

General Information

LSU Women’s Basketball tickets can be purchased online on, by calling 225.578.2184 or 800.960.8587, or in person at the LSU Athletics Ticket Office window. All phone and Internet orders are subject to applicable order charges. Sign up for Geaux-Mail – LSU’s free ticketing email newsletter – to receive notification when tickets go on sale.