- Complete Fan Info
- Traffic & Parking Policies
- Tailgating Polices
- Car Parking Information (Season-Reserved, Free, and Game-by-Game)
- Motor Home/RV Parking
- Disabled Patron Parking
- In-Stadium Policies
- NCAA Compliance
ATM’s are available inside and outside of Tiger Stadium at various locations. ATM’s accept all major credit cards. Please note, concessions stands do accept credit cards.
LSU provides free parking for buses in Lot 406, located on Skip Bertman Drive (see LSU Football Parking Map).
Charter buses will park in Lot 406 on Skip Bertman Drive, just west of the Charles McClendon Practice Fields. (Parking Map) Bus parking is free in Lot 406. Motorhomes are not allowed in Lot 406.
BUS SERVICE (Touchdown Express)
Capital Area Transit System (CATS) will provide round-trip transit service to LSU’s campus during the 2019 football season. Touchdown Express starts three (3) hours before all home games and runs until one (1) hour after the LSU game ends. The Touchdown Express picks up and drops off at three locations across Baton Rouge. Learn more and reserve seats at www.brcats.com/touchdown.
A live band performs each gameday in front of the Pete Maravich Assembly Center (PMAC) at Cou-Yon’s Tiger One Village. The band at Tiger One Village will begin playing approximately five hours before kickoff.
Guests who do not bring bags to Tiger Stadium will be able to utilize “Express Lanes” which allow for quicker access through the ticket entry process. Express Lanes are located at various entrances around the stadium. All bags (including clear bags) will not be allowed through at the express lanes.
Programs are available for sale in and around Tiger Stadium and at LSU SportShop locations beginning three hours prior to game time. Fans interested in advertising in LSU’s game programs in any sport should contact LSU Sports Properties at (225) 578-8883.
Members of the LSU Event Staff, Landmark Event Staff, and the LSU Geaux Team (student assistants) are available and eager to assist fans. Team members will be available at the entrance gates, stadium portals, guest service kiosks and other areas in-and-around Tiger Stadium. Fans with questions, concerns, or issues are encouraged to visit the LSU Guest Service kiosks, located inside and outside Tiger Stadium. The kiosks are staffed with event personnel and provide fan amenities such as phone charging stations, stadium and parking maps, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, and much more. Fans in need of assistance may contact LSU Guest Services before, during and after home football games, please 225-578-4085 or fans may also text “LSU” along with their issue and location to 69050. If you see something, say something.
The Official Website of LSU Athletics is LSUsports.net. Fans may purchase tickets, official news and information about all 21 varsity athletics teams, and celebrate the history and traditions of the athletics department. Listen to radio broadcasts FREE at www.LSUsports.net/live and follow live scoring at www.LSUsports.net/livestats. Fans are encouraged to download official apps at LSUsports.net/apps, and follow social media accounts at www.LSUsports.net/connect.
Items found during the game and during Sunday clean-up will be turned over to LSU Police on Monday morning following games, located in the Public Safety Building on South Stadium Drive. Call (225) 578-3231 to ask if your item has been turned in.
For information on lost or stolen tickets, contact the LSU Athletic Ticket Office at (225) 578-2184.
Please contact the LSU Event Staff or Law Enforcement – they will stay with you until the missing person is found. Be sure to pick up a Mikes Tiger Tag at the Guest Services kiosks located around the stadium. Mike’s Tiger Tags are identification wristbands with writeable information to identify seating location and contact information.
First-aid stations are located throughout the stadium. If you need assistance, contact the nearest first aid station, law enforcement officer or event staff team member. Each station has trained first responders to provide assistance. Advanced emergency medical support will also be available throughout the game in the stadium trauma center. If necessary, fans should call 911 for any emergencies requiring medical assistance.
LSU recognizes that some fans may have a need to bring special items with them so they may enjoy the game. Medical necessary items will be allowed following proper inspection at specified stadium gates. Guests entering the stadium with needs for medical bag exceptions must enter through gate 10 or the medical bag check gate located at the southwest corner of the stadium. For any questions, please call LSU Athletics Guest Services at 225-578-4085.
The LSU SportShop next to Mike the Tiger’s habitat is open daily including home gamedays. Satellite locations are available inside Tiger Stadium and around campus as well. Fans away from campus can order from the Official Online Store, www.LSUshop.net.
LSU has placed numerous collection containers throughout campus for recycling of glass, plastic and aluminum items. Please help LSU’s recycling program by utilizing these containers. For more information, contact the Facility Services Help Desk at (225) 578-3186.
Fans choosing to use a rideshare service to and from the game will be dropped off and picked up on the perimeter of campus. Rideshare services are subject to all campus parking and traffic guidelines. Fans are encouraged to be familiar with the campus map and pay attention to their surroundings at all times.
For the safety and security of all fans and stadium personnel, security cameras are utilized inside and outside of Tiger Stadium.
TICKET OFFICE | Buy Tickets Online | StubHub Marketplace
The LSU Athletic Ticket Office is located on the first floor of the Athletic Administration Building on the corner of Nicholson Drive and North Stadium Drive, in the west parking lot (Lot 101) of Tiger Stadium. The LSU Athletic Ticket Office is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT, Monday-Friday, except on university-observed holidays. The Ticket Office is open on football game days beginning at 8 a.m. for games that kickoff at 2:30 p.m. or earlier, and 6 hours prior to kickoff for games that kickoff after 2:30 p.m, and closes at halftime. For ticket and parking information, visit www.LSUtix.net.
The University conveniently places receptacles for the disposal of trash and other items throughout the LSU campus. You can help keep your campus clean by disposing of your trash. For more information, contact the Facility Services Help Desk at (225) 578-3186.
LSU Athletics has partnered with Revelry Sports & Entertainment as the Official Tailgate Partner for on-campus, full-service experiences. To learn about tailgate packages located near Patrick Taylor Hall along South Stadium Dr., visit revelryteam.com/lsu.