LSU Gold

LSU Athletics' Junior Tigers

About the Program

The LSU Athletics Junior Tigers program will bring a youth-focused assembly to schools and community centers around the Greater Baton Rouge Co. The assembly will be hosted by LSU Athletics Ambassadors (along with some special guests) who will teach students the importance of LSU Athletics Core Values.

This “pep rally” style event is sure to capture the attention of your entire school body while motivating them in a positive, upbeat environment.

Customize your event by requesting the topic or theme that most applies to your specific needs.

The Junior Tigers event will focus on the 6 pillars of the program:

T Teamwork
I Integrity
G Growth
E Excellence
R Respect
S Service

For more information, please contact

Junior Tigers Program Request Form

1. All request must be made via online form below.
2. Completion of this form does not guarantee the fulfillment of the request. Confirmation is typically sent within 7-10 business days of appearance application receipt.
3. Due to the changing schedule of our Ambassadors, it is suggested that applications are received at least three (3) but not more than eight (8) weeks prior to event date.
4. Organizations are NOT allowed to utilize the LSU name, official marks or logos to advertise or promote the Junior Tigers event.

Preferred Event Date and Time

Alternate Event Date and Time