Athletic Training
Athletic Training Staff:
Jack Marucci, Director of A.T. 578-2451 FB, ALL SPORTS 268-1697
Andy Barker, Sr. Associate 578-8315 FB, GYM, MTN 268-1310
Shelly Mullenix, Sr. Associate 578-8642 FB, SB, VB 268-1309
Shawn Eddy, Associate 578-4151 BS, SOC, CH, M/WGF 268-1307
Micki Sandy, Associate 578-2496 WBK, M/WSW, WTN 268-1311
Keith Thompson 578-3894
Team Physicians:
Jeff Burnham Head Team Physician, F.P. (225) 756-9170
Derek Anderson Team Physician (225) 275-5860
Brent Bankston Orthopedics (225) 924-2424
Larry Ferachi Orthopedics (225) 924-2424
Mark Field Orthopedics (225) 924-2424
Kevin Denoux Pharmacist (225) 769-2585
Chris Lee Family Practitioner (225) 751-0234
Local Medical Facilities:
Our Lady of the Lake Baton Rouge General Health Center (Emergencies, Minor/outpatient)
5000 Hennessy Blvd. 8585 Picardy Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Baton Rouge, LA 70809
(225) 765-6565 (225) 763-4070
General Numbers:
City 911
Center for Athletic Training 578-2050
Campus Police 578-3231
Fax Number 578-3924
Campus Information 578-3202