For UF: Carlton, Holly; Kellum, Taelor; Hall, Thayer; Hammons, Paige; Kramer, Rachael; Monserez, Allie; libero Gregory, Allie. |
For LSU: Jacqui Armer; Milan Stokes; Taylor Bannister; Anna Zwiebel; Sydney Mukes; Whitney Foreman; libero Raigen Cianciulli. |
1-0 |
Point LSU – (Monserez, Allie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
2-0 |
Point LSU – (Taylor Bannister) Service ace (Hammons, Paige). |
2-1 |
Point UF – (Taylor Bannister) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Gregory, Allie). |
so |
2-2 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Service ace (Sydney Mukes). |
2-3 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Attack error by (block by Carlton, Holly). |
2-4 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Attack error by Taylor Bannister. |
3-4 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Jacqui Armer (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes. |
4-4 |
Point LSU – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Jacqui Armer. |
5-4 |
Point LSU – (Katie Kampen) Attack error by Carlton, Holly. |
Florida Challenges Previous Play |
Florida lost the challenge. |
For UF: Kellum, Taelor; Kramer, Rachael. |
6-4 |
Point LSU – (Katie Kampen) Attack error by Kellum, Taelor. |
7-4 |
Point LSU – (Katie Kampen) Attack error by Carlton, Holly (block by Sydney Mukes; Jacqui Armer). |
8-4 |
Point LSU – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
Timeout Florida. |
8-5 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Kramer, Rachael; Kellum, Taelor. |
9-5 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Whitney Foreman; Raigen Cianciulli. |
9-6 |
Point UF – (Jacqui Armer) Kill by Kramer, Rachael (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli; Jacqui Armer. |
For UF: Sokolowski, Mia; Monserez, Allie. |
10-6 |
Point LSU – (Carlton, Holly) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Marlie; Carlton, Holly. |
11-6 |
Point LSU – (Anna Zwiebel) Attack error by Sokolowski, Mia. |
11-7 |
Point UF – (Anna Zwiebel) Kill by Kramer, Rachael (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
11-8 |
Point UF – (Hammons, Paige) Attack error by Taylor Bannister. |
12-8 |
Point LSU – (Hammons, Paige) Service error. |
so |
For LSU: Milan Stokes; Katie Kampen. |
12-9 |
Point UF – (Sydney Mukes) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Cerame, Paula; Kramer, Rachael; Kellum, Taelor; Gregory, Allie. |
13-9 |
Point LSU – (Cerame, Paula) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Kramer, Rachael; Cerame, Paula. |
13-10 |
Point UF – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Sokolowski, Mia (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Allie; Sokolowski, Mia; Carlton, Holly; Monserez, Marlie. |
13-11 |
Point UF – (Monserez, Allie) Attack error by Taylor Bannister. |
14-11 |
Point LSU – (Monserez, Allie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Lindsay Flory; Taylor Bannister. |
14-12 |
Point UF – (Lindsay Flory) Attack error by Milan Stokes (block by Carlton, Holly; Kellum, Taelor). |
so |
14-13 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Service ace (Sydney Mukes). |
14-14 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Kellum, Taelor (from Monserez, Allie). |
15-14 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes. |
16-14 |
Point LSU – (Katie Kampen) Attack error by Carlton, Holly. |
16-15 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Kramer, Rachael; Kellum, Taelor. |
16-16 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Attack error by Sydney Mukes (block by Carlton, Holly; Kramer, Rachael). |
17-16 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Anna Zwiebel (from Raigen Cianciulli). |
so |
For LSU: Whitney Foreman; Raigen Cianciulli. |
17-17 |
Point UF – (Jacqui Armer) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Sokolowski, Mia; Monserez, Allie. |
18-17 |
Point LSU – (Carlton, Holly) Attack error by Sokolowski, Mia (block by Sydney Mukes; Whitney Foreman). |
so |
For LSU: Taylor Bannister; Lindsay Flory. |
For UF: Monserez, Marlie; Carlton, Holly. |
18-18 |
Point UF – (Anna Zwiebel) Attack error by Taylor Bannister (block by Kramer, Rachael; Hammons, Paige). |
so |
18-19 |
Point UF – (Hammons, Paige) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Gregory, Allie). |
19-19 |
Point LSU – (Hammons, Paige) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Milan Stokes; Katie Kampen. |
19-20 |
Point UF – (Sydney Mukes) Kill by Kramer, Rachael (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Cerame, Paula; Kramer, Rachael. |
20-20 |
Point LSU – (Cerame, Paula) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
20-21 |
Point UF – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Sokolowski, Mia (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Allie; Sokolowski, Mia; Carlton, Holly; Monserez, Marlie. |
21-21 |
Point LSU – (Monserez, Allie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
21-22 |
Point UF – (Lindsay Flory) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
22-22 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes. |
22-23 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Kellum, Taelor (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Kramer, Rachael; Cerame, Paula. |
22-24 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Monserez, Allie). |
Timeout LSU. |
23-24 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Jacqui Armer (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
23-25 |
Point UF – (Jacqui Armer) Kill by Kramer, Rachael (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Carlton, Holly; Kellum, Taelor; Hall, Thayer; Hammons, Paige; Kramer, Rachael; Monserez, Allie; libero Gregory, Allie. |
For LSU: Jacqui Armer; Milan Stokes; Taylor Bannister; Anna Zwiebel; Sydney Mukes; Whitney Foreman; libero Raigen Cianciulli. |
0-1 |
Point UF – (Raigen Cianciulli) Attack error by Taylor Bannister. |
so |
0-2 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Hammons, Paige (from Monserez, Allie). |
1-2 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Jacqui Armer (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
1-3 |
Point UF – (Taylor Bannister) Service error. |
so |
2-3 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Jacqui Armer (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes. |
2-4 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Sokolowski, Mia; Monserez, Allie. |
3-4 |
Point LSU – (Carlton, Holly) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Marlie; Carlton, Holly. |
3-5 |
Point UF – (Jacqui Armer) Kill by Monserez, Marlie (from Hammons, Paige). |
so |
4-5 |
Point LSU – (Hammons, Paige) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
4-6 |
Point UF – (Anna Zwiebel) Kill by Sokolowski, Mia (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
4-7 |
Point UF – (Kramer, Rachael) Attack error by Sydney Mukes. |
5-7 |
Point LSU – (Kramer, Rachael) Service error. |
so |
For LSU: Milan Stokes; Katie Kampen. |
6-7 |
Point LSU – (Sydney Mukes) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
7-7 |
Point LSU – (Sydney Mukes) Service ace (Gregory, Allie). |
7-8 |
Point UF – (Sydney Mukes) Service error. |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Allie; Sokolowski, Mia; Carlton, Holly; Monserez, Marlie. |
8-8 |
Point LSU – (Monserez, Allie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
9-8 |
Point LSU – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
10-8 |
Point LSU – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Jacqui Armer. |
10-9 |
Point UF – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Kellum, Taelor (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
10-10 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Kellum, Taelor. |
11-10 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Lindsay Flory; Taylor Bannister. |
11-11 |
Point UF – (Lindsay Flory) Kill by Kellum, Taelor (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
11-12 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Service ace (Sydney Mukes). |
11-13 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
12-13 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Raigen Cianciulli). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes. |
12-14 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Sokolowski, Mia; Monserez, Allie. |
12-15 |
Point UF – (Carlton, Holly) Service ace (Katie Kampen). |
Timeout (Media). |
13-15 |
Point LSU – (Carlton, Holly) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Marlie; Carlton, Holly. |
14-15 |
Point LSU – (Jacqui Armer) Attack error by Kramer, Rachael (block by Whitney Foreman). |
14-16 |
Point UF – (Jacqui Armer) Service error. |
so |
15-16 |
Point LSU – (Hammons, Paige) Attack error by Hall, Thayer. |
so |
For LSU: Taylor Bannister; Lindsay Flory. |
15-17 |
Point UF – (Anna Zwiebel) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Cerame, Paula; Kramer, Rachael. |
16-17 |
Point LSU – (Cerame, Paula) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Kramer, Rachael; Cerame, Paula. |
For LSU: Milan Stokes; Katie Kampen; Toni Rodriguez; Sydney Mukes. |
16-18 |
Point UF – (Toni Rodriguez) Attack error by Taylor Bannister. |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Allie; Sokolowski, Mia; Carlton, Holly; Monserez, Marlie. |
17-18 |
Point LSU – (Monserez, Allie) Service error. |
so |
17-19 |
Point UF – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
18-19 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Lindsay Flory; Taylor Bannister. |
19-19 |
Point LSU – (Lindsay Flory) Kill by Toni Rodriguez (from Milan Stokes). |
Timeout Florida. |
19-20 |
Point UF – (Lindsay Flory) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
19-21 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Attack error by Milan Stokes (block by Kramer, Rachael; Carlton, Holly). |
Timeout LSU. |
19-22 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Attack error by Jacqui Armer. |
20-22 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes; Sydney Mukes; Toni Rodriguez. |
20-23 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Sokolowski, Mia; Monserez, Allie. |
Timeout LSU. |
20-24 |
Point UF – (Carlton, Holly) Attack error by Sydney Mukes (block by Kramer, Rachael; Sokolowski, Mia). |
21-24 |
Point LSU – (Carlton, Holly) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Marlie; Carlton, Holly. |
21-25 |
Point UF – (Jacqui Armer) Service error. |
so |
For LSU: Olivia Beyer; Milan Stokes; Taylor Bannister; Anna Zwiebel; Sydney Mukes; Jacqui Armer; libero Raigen Cianciulli. |
For UF: Carlton, Holly; Kellum, Taelor; Hall, Thayer; Hammons, Paige; Kramer, Rachael; Monserez, Allie; libero Gregory, Allie. |
1-0 |
Point LSU – (Monserez, Allie) Attack error by Hall, Thayer. |
so |
2-0 |
Point LSU – (Taylor Bannister) Attack error by Carlton, Holly. |
2-1 |
Point UF – (Taylor Bannister) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
2-2 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Kellum, Taelor. |
2-3 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Attack error by Milan Stokes (block by Carlton, Holly; Kellum, Taelor). |
3-3 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Raigen Cianciulli). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes. |
3-4 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Kellum, Taelor (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
4-4 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Olivia Beyer (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
4-5 |
Point UF – (Olivia Beyer) Kill by Hammons, Paige (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Sokolowski, Mia; Monserez, Allie. |
5-5 |
Point LSU – (Carlton, Holly) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Marlie; Carlton, Holly. |
5-6 |
Point UF – (Anna Zwiebel) Attack error by Taylor Bannister (block by Kramer, Rachael; Hammons, Paige). |
so |
5-7 |
Point UF – (Hammons, Paige) Kill by Kramer, Rachael (from Monserez, Marlie). |
6-7 |
Point LSU – (Hammons, Paige) Kill by Taylor Bannister. |
so |
For LSU: Milan Stokes; Katie Kampen. |
6-8 |
Point UF – (Sydney Mukes) Kill by Kramer, Rachael (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Hargreaves, Chanelle; Kramer, Rachael. |
7-8 |
Point LSU – (Hargreaves, Chanelle) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For UF: Kramer, Rachael; Hargreaves, Chanelle. |
7-9 |
Point UF – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Allie; Sokolowski, Mia; Carlton, Holly; Monserez, Marlie. |
8-9 |
Point LSU – (Monserez, Allie) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Raigen Cianciulli). |
so |
For LSU: Lindsay Flory; Taylor Bannister. |
9-9 |
Point LSU – (Lindsay Flory) Attack error by Carlton, Holly. |
LSU CHallenges the Call that the ball was out. |
LSU won the challenge. The ball was ruled out. |
9-10 |
Point UF – (Lindsay Flory) Kill by Carlton, Holly (from Gregory, Allie). |
so |
9-11 |
Point UF – (Hall, Thayer) Attack error by Olivia Beyer (block by Kellum, Taelor; Hammons, Paige). |
10-11 |
Point LSU – (Hall, Thayer) Kill by Milan Stokes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
For LSU: Katie Kampen; Milan Stokes. |
10-12 |
Point UF – (Katie Kampen) Kill by Hammons, Paige (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
10-13 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Attack error by Sydney Mukes. |
10-14 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Attack error by Sydney Mukes. |
10-15 |
Point UF – (Gregory, Allie) Service ace (Katie Kampen). |
Timeout (Media). |
11-15 |
Point LSU – (Gregory, Allie) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Anna Zwiebel). |
so |
11-16 |
Point UF – (Olivia Beyer) Kill by Hammons, Paige (from Monserez, Allie). |
so |
For UF: Sokolowski, Mia; Monserez, Allie. |
11-17 |
Point UF – (Carlton, Holly) Kill by Kramer, Rachael. |
Timeout LSU. |
For LSU: Taylor Bannister; Lindsay Flory. |
12-17 |
Point LSU – (Carlton, Holly) Kill by Anna Zwiebel. |
so |
13-17 |
Point LSU – (Anna Zwiebel) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Anna Zwiebel). |
14-17 |
Point LSU – (Anna Zwiebel) Kill by Jacqui Armer. |
15-17 |
Point LSU – (Anna Zwiebel) Attack error by Kramer, Rachael (block by Jacqui Armer). |
Timeout Florida. |
15-18 |
Point UF – (Anna Zwiebel) Service error. |
so |
16-18 |
Point LSU – (Hammons, Paige) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Katie Kampen). |
so |
Florida challenges whether the ball hit the antena |
The challenge failed. |
For LSU: Milan Stokes; Katie Kampen; Toni Rodriguez; Sydney Mukes. |
17-18 |
Point LSU – (Toni Rodriguez) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Raigen Cianciulli). |
18-18 |
Point LSU – (Toni Rodriguez) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Raigen Cianciulli). |
Timeout Florida. |
18-19 |
Point UF – (Toni Rodriguez) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
19-19 |
Point LSU – (Hargreaves, Chanelle) Bad set by Monserez, Marlie. |
so |
19-20 |
Point UF – (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Sokolowski, Mia (from Monserez, Marlie). |
so |
For UF: Monserez, Allie; Sokolowski, Mia; Carlton, Holly; Monserez, Marlie. |
19-21 |
Point UF – (Monserez, Allie) Service ace (Milan Stokes). |
Timeout LSU. |
19-22 |
Point UF – (Monserez, Allie) Kill by Hall, Thayer (from Gregory, Allie). |
19-23 |
Point UF – (Monserez, Allie) Attack error by Taylor Bannister (block by Kellum, Taelor; Hall, Thayer). |
19-24 |
Point UF – (Monserez, Allie) Kill by Hall, Thayer. |
19-25 |
Point UF – (Monserez, Allie) Bad set by Anna Zwiebel. |