Goal 1: Enhance the commitment to staff, coach, and student-athlete training and education by increasing the understanding of sexual and domestic violence, consent, boundaries, bystander intervention, and healthy, respectful relationships
Step 1: Determine the current level of understanding of sexual and domestic violence, consent, bystander intervention, and healthy, respectful relationships through consulting contracts with STAR and A Call to Men
Step 2: Secure funding to provide enhanced training and education
Step 3: Research effective training and educational programming for student-athletes
Step 4: Research effective training and educational programming for staff and coaches
Step 5: Implement multi-year educational programming plan for student-athletes, coaches, and staff
Step 6: Continuously monitor implementation to determine effectiveness of delivery, messaging and topics of education
Goal 2: Improve accountability by ensuring clarity of reporting roles and responsibilities through targeted training including university policies and sanctions for not reporting
Step 1: Collaborate with the LSU Office of Civil Rights & Title IX to deliver effective training on reporting responsibilities
Step 2: Gain clarity on university policy and sanctions and ensure athletics department staff and coaches understand university policies and sanctions
Step 3: Develop a robust, effective resource document for reporters and those involved in incidents of sexual and domestic violence
Goal 3: Transformational culture shift where the departmental commitment to supporting the prevention of sexual and domestic violence is supported at every level through communication, activities and events, training and education, policies and standards.
Step 1: All departmental communication focuses on supportive tone and language regarding the importance of training and education (positive values associated with education)
Step 2: Implement processes to ensure that new athletics staff, upon hiring, receive training and clarity of expectations regarding University Title IX policies, procedures, and resources.
Step 3: Include a robust focus on the department’s commitment to the prevention of sexual and domestic violence during new employee orientation
Step 4: Determine additional and appropriate Title IX-related evaluation metrics to include in annual performance evaluations for employees
Step 5: Ensure training and education has meaning and is impactful (not just compliant)
Step 6: Support department, campus and community events and activities designed to enhance awareness and support for sexual and domestic violence prevention
Step 7: Expand the awareness, transparency and accountability of the campus process for all student conduct issues that arise (ie: academic, residential life, behavioral issues, etc.)
Goal 4: Create work place standards for ensuring a healthy and respectful department culture that impacts coaches, staff and student athletes. (Code of Conduct, Anti-harassment policy, etc.)
Step 1: Contract with STAR to coordinate an assessment of current work place climate
Step 2: Create policies to ensure standards are clear and sanctions are in place
Step 3: Ensure standards are met including incorporating standards in employee evaluations
Step 4: Ensure Employee Assistance Program has the resources to address issues that may arise from the implementation of work place standards
Goal 5: Develop a process for evaluating and auditing trainings, education, communication, and resources for coaches and staff; measure progress; and regularly evaluate department climate
Step 1: Determine effective evaluation and auditing tools
Step 2: Determine effectiveness of conducting a climate survey on sexual and domestic violence and department culture
Step 3: Continue the utilization of Real Response as an anonymous reporting tool for student athletes and annual student athlete experience survey